Shlomit Ben-Ami, Batel Buaron, Ori Yaron, Kyle Keane, Virginia H. Sun, Flip Phillips, Jason Friedman, Pawan Sinha and Roy Mukamel
Memory & Cognition 2025
A randomization-based, model-free approach to functional neuroimaging: A proof of concept
Matan Mazor and Roy Mukamel
Entropy 2024
High or low expectations: Expected intensity of action outcome is embedded in action kinetics
Batel Buaron, Daniel Reznik and Roy Mukamel
Cognition 2024
Temporal hierarchy of observed goal-directed actions
Shahar Aberbach-Goodman and Roy Mukamel
Scientific Reports 2023
Hadar Dery*, Batel Buaron*, Roni Mazinter, Shalev Lavi and Roy Mukamel
iScience 2023
Same action, different meaning: neural substrates of action semantic meaning
Shahar Aberbach-Goodman, Batel Buaron, Liad Mudrik and Roy Mukamel
Cerebral Cortex 2022
Real-time processes in the development of action planning
Ori Ossmy, Brianna E. Kaplan, Danyang Han, Melody Xu, Catherine Bianco, Roy Mukamel and Karen E. Adolph
Current Biology 2022
Children do not distinguish effcient from ineffcient actions during observation
Ori Ossmy, Danyang Han, Brianna E. Kaplan, Melody Xu, Catherine Bianco, Roy Mukamel and Karen E.Adolph
Scientifc Reports 2021
Action-locked neural responses in auditory cortex to self-generated sounds
Daniel Reznik, Noa Guttman, Batel Buaron, Elana Zion-Golumbic and Roy Mukamel
Cerebral Cortex 2021
Yair Lakertz, Ori Ossmy, Naama Friedmann, Roy Mukamel and Itzhak Fried
NeuroImage 2020
Motor learning in hemi-Parkinson using VR-manipulated sensory feedback
Ori Ossmy, Lihi Mansano, Silvi Frenkel-Toledo, Evgeny Kagan, Shiri Koren, Roee Gilron, Daniel Reznik, Nachum Soroker and Roy Mukamel
Disability and Rehabilitation 2020
Batel Buaron, Daniel Reznik, Roee Gilron and Roy Mukamel
Cerebral Cortex 2020
Better-than-chance classification for signal detection
Jonathan D. Rosenblatt, Yuval Benjamini, Roee Gilron, Roy Mukamel and Gelle J. Goeman
Biostatistics 2019
Motor output, neural states and auditory perception
Daniel Reznik and Roy Mukamel
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 2019
A novel tool for time-locking study plans to results
Matan Mazor, Noam Mazor and Roy Mukamel
European Journal of Neuroscience 2018
Daniel Reznik, Shiri Simon and Roy Mukamel
Neuropsychologia 2018
Nadav Aridan, Ori Ossmy, Batel Buaron, Daniel Reznik and Roy Mukamel
Brain Research 2018
Perception as a route for motor skill learning: perspectives from neuroscience
Ori Ossmy and Roy Mukamel
Neuroscience 2018
Behavioral and neural effects of congruency of visual feedback during short-term motor learning
Ori Ossmy and Roy Mukamel
NeuroImage 2018
Using virtual reality to transfer motor skill knowledge from one hand to another
Ori Ossmy and Roy Mukamel
J. Vis. Exp. 2017
Sensitivity to perception level differentiates two subnetworks within the mirror neuron system
Shiri Simon and Roy Mukamel
SCAN 2017
What's in a pattern? Examining the type of signal multivariate analysis uncovers at the group level
Roee Gilron, Jonathan Rosenblatt, Oluwasanmi Koyejoe, Russell A. Poldracke and Roy Mukamel
NeuroImage 2017
Short term motor-skill acquisition improves with size of self-controlled virtual hands
Ori Ossmy and Roy Mukamel
Plos One 2017
Neural network underlying intermanual skill transfer in humans
Ori Ossmy and Roy Mukamel
Cell Reports 2016
Nadav Aridan and Roy Mukamel
Brain and Behavior 2016
Ori Ossmy and Roy Mukamel
Scientific Reports 2016
Shiri Simon and Roy Mukamel
Brain and Behavior 2016
Decoding speech perception from single cell activity in humans
Ori Ossmy, Itzhak Fried and Roy Mukamel
NeuroImage 2015
Preconscious prediction of a driver’s decision using intracranial recordings
Omri Perez, Roy Mukamel, Ariel Tankus, Jonathan D. Rosenblatt, Yehezkel Yeshurun and Itzhak Fried
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2015
Perceived loudness of self-generated sounds is differentially modified by expected sound intensity
Daniel Reznik, Yael Henkin, Osnat Levy and Roy Mukamel
Plos One 2015
Daniel Reznik, Ori Ossmy and Roy Mukamel
Journal of Neuroscience 2015
Neural correlates of intentions In: The sense of agency
Roee Gilron, Shiri Simon and Roy Mukamel
Editors Eitam B. & Haggard P., Oxford University Press 2015
Differentiating intended sensory outcome from underlying motor actions in the human brain
Ariel Krasovsky, Roee Gilron, Yehezkel Yeshurun and Roy Mukamel
Journal of Neuroscience 2014
Daniel Reznik, Yael Henkin, Noa Schadel and Roy Mukamel
Nature Communications 2014
Memory enhancement and deep-brain stimulation of the entorhinal area
Nanthia Suthana, Zulfi Haneef, John Stern, Roy Mukamel, Eric Behnke, Barbara Knowlton and Itzhak Fried
New England Journal of Medicine 2012
Human intracranial recordings and cognitive neuroscience
Roy Mukamel and Itzhak Fried
Annual Review of Psychology 2011
Roy Mukamel, Yuval Nir, Michal Harel, Amos Arieli, Rafael Malach and Itzhak Fried
Human Brain Mapping 2011
Itzhak Fried, Roy Mukamel and Gabriel Kreiman
Neuron 2011
Single-neuron responses in humans during execution and observation of actions
Roy Mukamel, Arne D. Ekstrom, Jonas Kaplan, Marco Iacoboni and Itzhak Fried
Current Biology 2010
A neural substrate in the human hippocampus for linking successive events
Rony Paz, Hagar Gelbard-Sagiv, Roy Mukamel, Michal Harel, Rafael Malach and Itzhak Fried
PNAS 2010
Internally generated reactivation of single neurons in human hippocampus during free recall
Hagar Gelbard-Sagiv, Roy Mukamel, Michal Harel, Rafael Malach and Itzhak Fried
Science 2008
Yuval Nir, Roy Mukamel, Ilan Dinstein, Eran Privman, Michal Harel, Lior Fisch, Hagar Gelbard-Sagiv, Svetlana Kipervasser, Fani Andelman, Miri Y. Neufeld, Uri Kramer, Amos Arieli, Itzhak Fried and Rafael Malach
Nature Neuroscience 2008
Human single-neuron responses at the threshold of conscious recognition
Rodrigo Quian Quiroga, Roy Mukamel, Eve A. Isham, Rafael Malach and Itzhak Fried
PNAS 2008
Ultra-fine frequency tuning revealed in single neurons of human auditory cortex
Yoli Bitterman, Roy Mukamel, Rafael Malach, Itzhak Fried and Israel Nelken
Nature 2008
Yuval Nir, Lior Fisch, Roy Mukamel, Hagar Gelbard-Sagiv, Amos Arieli, Itzhak Fried and Rafael Malach
Current Biology 2007
Eran Privman, Yuval Nir, Uri Kramer, Svetlana Kipervasser, Fani Andelman, Miri Y. Neufeld, Roy Mukamel, Yehezkel Yeshurun, Itzhak Fried and Rafael Malach
Journal of Neuroscience 2007
Coupling between neuronal firing, field potentials and fMRI in human auditory cortex
Roy Mukamel, Hagar Gelbard, Amos Arieli, Uri Hasson, Itzhak Fried and Rafael Malach
Science 2005
Enhanced temporal non-linearities in human object-related occipito-temporal cortex
Roy Mukamel, Michal Harel, Talma Hendler and Rafael Malach
Cerebral Cortex 2004